

neurodiversity-affirming ​professional development for ​inclusive educators

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Educational Philosophy worksheet, and start cultivating your own intentional practice.

hey, i’m so happy you’re here.

I’m Monica Maddison,

I’ve compiled 14 years of my professional practice (as a therapist, college ​instructor, director of specialized education, consultant, and educator..) ​into understandable, actionable, and engaging workshops for educators to ​not only better understand neurodiversity, but to gain confidence in ​creating inclusive classroom spaces. Educators are encouraged to ​challenge their past bias, engage with up-to-date research, and develop ​their individual educational philosophies.

presenting across North America:

workshops, conferences, and consults

Are you a team of 10, or a community of 1000?

Does virtual feel convenient, or are you an in-person learner?

I’m so excited (and grateful!) to be presenting across the Canadian ​provinces and travelling into the US to equip teams with the practical skills ​they need to support all children. Let’s chat about securing your session.

why Bloom?

your industry expert BFF

Neurodiversity is natural. Behaviour is communication. While these statements are true (and I’ll teach you ​all about it!) it feels like they exist as the ‘soundbyte’ at the end of your ProD hours rather than a real ​representation of learning. If you leave a workshop and can reiterate these two statements - but you can’t ​explain why neurodivergent brains are natural, how they differ both physically and chemically, or what the ​unexpected behaviours we’re observing are “saying.” Then, what was the reason for taking the workshop?

If your learning isn’t accessible (meaning, it is easy to understand) and it isn’t actionable (meaning, how will ​we apply this tomorrow?) Then for the majority of us, it isn’t worthwhile. Day to day, on the floor, educators ​need the B I G stuff (neurodiversity, psychology, inclusion, pedagogy and philosophy) shared in a way that is ​easily understood, inspiring, and applicable to their practice. That’s where Bloom Behaviour comes in. ​Educating educators in best-practice.


Current Sessions

the weight of words

An introduction to philosophy, language, and how the words we choose impact the children in our ​care. We explore the social model of disability, growth vs deficit mindset, and harmful ​terminology. Participants learn that language is not simply descriptive, its preformative.

Honouring the journey

Self reflect on past philosophy, stigma, and approaches to educating neurodiverse minds. We will ​explore the social perceptions of ADHD & Autism. Arguably, all of us have been exposed to out of ​date language, drawn incorrect conclusions, and acted with false or incomplete information ​within our care. You will be supported to make actionable and inclusive goals.

adhd:classroom supports

A foundational understanding of ADHD, executive functioning, and the impact on early childhood ​classrooms. We explore the history/stigma behind ADHD, how it fits under the neurodiversity ​umbrella, as well as the role of environment. We will dive deeper into self regulation, impulsivity, ​and the implications ADHD has for learning.

ADHD: Classroom support

additional sessions:

The Inclusive Classroom

Philosophy to Planning

Sensory Processing Disorder

Functions of Behaviour

Download my Course Catalogue to see more!

Monica creates individual sessions around topics as required

"I can immediately put information into practice! Monica's ​examples were so spot on which I really appreciated. It feels like ​workshop/textbook finally = practice."

"I was blown away by how honest and informative she is. She gave ​all of us such an incredible insight into neurodiversity and a ​deeper understanding to how we can celebrate and encourage ​inclusion in our practice.."

"Monica's in depth knowledge provided new aspects in knowledge ​and tools for me to expand my skills and the relational practice I ​strive for."


who, me?

You’re likely looking for a mentor if you’ve been in the field a few years, feel like your practice and ​your philosophy are disconnected, and are excited by the idea of exploring further education ​(without having a huge time commitment!) You’ve likely attended a workshop of mine and ​thought, “hey! I want to know more about this..” and for that I’m so grateful.

not your mama’s workshop

Sometimes workshop sessions can feel a bit rigid and stuffy. Mentorship isn’t like that. ​Mentorship is you speaking candidly about areas you’re struggling or wanting to see growth - ​and me sharing vulnerably right back. We will connect, personally, bringing our personal lives and ​unique selves into this professional development. With mentorship, you don’t have to take a ​workshop and hope that it applies to your specific areas of struggle.. I’m already tailoring ​everything to you.

Mentorship allows us to focus specifically on you, your current practice, and your inquiries. This ​framework allows us to be flexible in what sessions look like, allowing them to cater to and evolve ​with you.

If there’s resources you need, I’ll create them. If you have questions, I have answers. If ​something feels confusing, we’re going to figure it out - with real life explainations and scenarios ​of how to. You know when you leave a workshop and you’re trying to adapt and apply something ​you’ve been told to your specific centre - but it Mentorship takes this out of the ​equation - there’s no guesswork or adaptation needed. It’s like I’m part of your team now, and ​my teams are always supported with a plan of action.

did we just become best friends?!

Professional Partners

Reach out,

lets chat!

We should be pals

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